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What distracts you on the road?

Distraction can happen anytime. Being distracted can cause accidents not only from the motorist but also for the pedestrians. Any task that could side-track a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving can be considered as distracted driving. According to traffic safety expert, distraction has three times.The manual distraction that motorist take away there hands in the steering wheel. Visual distraction the take away the focus of the motorist on the road. and Cognitive distractions when the mind of motorist wanders form the task of driving. Using smartphone is one of the cause of distraction of the motorist. It catches their attentions in simple receiving text message and calls for their love ones.

According to a study research in University of Iowa, talking on a cellphone affects the driving ability of the motorist. The study helps to understand how a simple conversation can affect the brain’s ability of the motorist to focus on the road wherein, the researchers used a computerized experiment that tracked eye movements while asking the motorists to answer true or false questions. The respondents' eyes took twice to direct to a new object on the screen while answering the question than those not required to respond or who were asked no question at all. According to Shaun Vecera, professor in the University of Iowa's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the reason that drivers should be cautious (when talking on the phone while driving) is that it slows down the attention of the driver and not just aware of it because it happens so fast. The delay is about forty (40) milliseconds, or fourth-hundredths of a second, which seem like a long time. But the delay compounds: every time the brain is distracted, the time to disengage from one action and initiate another action gets longer. Vecera also added that active listening delays the disengagement of attention, which must occur before attention can be moved to a new object or event.

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