MADAM is an Android application that requires installation in the smartphone of the users, primarily motorists. It has two modes: Driving...

MADAM system description
The MADAM: Mobile Anti-distraction Application for Motorist was developed using Android Studio. The Android application aims to help the...

MADAM :An application to assist motorists
MADAM :Mobile Anti-Distraction Application for Motorists using C4.5 Algorithm MADAM is an Android application that helps motorists to...

#roadaccident #DistractedDriving #Implementingrulesandregulations #RA10913 #AntiDistraction #AntiDistractedDrivingAct #madamg6a #MADAM
What causes distracted driving and it's possible solution?
Anything that takes the attention away from driving can be a distraction. Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, and using a...

R.A. 10913
Road accident is one of the reasons of deaths across the globe with a yearly approximation of one point twenty-five (1.25) million...

How smart is your smartphone?
How smart is your smartphone? Smartphone can do many things to help the daily life of every people. Smartphones have the capability of...

What distract you on the road?
Distractions can happen anytime. There are a lot of distractions on the road that causes distracted driving to motorist. Distracted...

What distracts you on the road?
Distraction can happen anytime. Being distracted can cause accidents not only from the motorist but also for the pedestrians. Any task...